Batterton Chiropractic Clinic
100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor in Houston TX 77008


Celebrating the Great Outdoors

The National Park Service in the US is celebrating 100 Years. In nearly every country, people are enjoying the great outdoors through hiking, fishing, exploring, camping, photographing, climbing and many other activities. Full time work crews, Park Rangers and volunteers keep the National Parks accessible and useable. These people are exceptionally skilled at preserving the integrity, natural beauty and environment that make travelers want to visit the parks year after year.

Have you considered the natural resources available to you right where you are every day? Do you take advantage of the great outdoors?

The National Park Service made it to 100 years and your chances of living this long are increasing every day. If you want to be able to enjoy all of your remaining decades, including the beauty of our environment, your health must be your top priority. Here are two ways to help optimize your outdoor experiences:

First, heighten your senses. Your senses include your sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste and intuition. Barrett Hedges, award winning National Geographic Photographer who is also a photography tour guide and founder of recently said in a 100 Year Lifestyle interview that it’s important to “keep your senses sharp when you are in the wild and have an exit plan”.

You can keep your senses sharp by keeping your nervous system healthy. This will enable you to fully enjoy the elements, resources, environment and terrain while keeping you alert to potential hazards as well.

Second, make your FitNESS a priority. If you want to be able to get around better and be more active in the parks or the environment in general, your fitNESS is vital. In The 100 Year Lifestyle there is an acronym using the NESS in the word fitness that is important to remember. It is Neurology, Nutrition, Endurance, Strength and Structure.

In addition to keeping your senses sharp, a healthy nervous system will keep your muscles strong and your organs adapting to the challenges and stresses you may encounter in nature. Good nutrition, including good hydration, will fuel your explorations. Endurance and strength training will give you the confidence and stamina to do more. And a healthy structure, spine and skeletal system will help to prevent injuries and contribute to your longevity in being able to enjoy the outdoors.

Chiropractic Lifestyle Care is vital to keeping yourself neurologically healthy throughout your lifetime, starting today, regardless of your age or current fitness level. “I can’t afford to be sick, injured or slowed down. Chiropractic care makes a big difference for me,” says Hedges. Don’t wait for a crisis to force you to take action on your health. Don’t be put in a position to have to turn down an invitation to explore nature and optimize your enjoyment of the environment.

Taking care of the planet and our natural resources is important for quality of life today, and for future generations. The same is true for you and your health. Follow these suggestions and enjoy the environment for 100 years and beyond.

Copyright 2016. The Family Practice, Inc., Dr. Eric Plasker and The 100 Year Lifestyle. All Rights Reserved.

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