Batterton Chiropractic Clinic
100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor in Houston TX 77008


100 Healthy Days™ Week 7- Building Your Ideal HEALTH Care Team

Taking responsibility for your health and lifestyle choices is vital to you and your family’s well-being. We love seeing our patients and practice members getting younger and healthier every year as they commit themselves to Chiropractic Lifestyle Care and healthier lifestyle choices. Learn to love the things that are good for you and make them a priority.


Self-Care Resources for Consideration

  • and other websites
  • Sleep: Pillows, Mattress
  • Meditation: Apps, Websites and Headphones • i.e.,
  • Your Chiropractor
  • Your Nutritionist
  • Your Personal Trainer
  • Books and Seminars


Evaluate Your Current Health Care Team

When it comes to your health care, does your doctor or team of doctors have your back? Do you trust that your health care providers will guide you in the right direction?

Through this journey called health, are your doctors inspired to help you reach your health goals, or do you feel they are just doing a job, going through the motions to get paid?

Read which characteristics you should look out for from your healthcare providers in our article, Who’s Got Your Back?

Your Ideal Health Care Team

  • 100 Year Lifestyle Affiliated Chiropractor
  • Nutritionist
  • Massage Therapist
  • Personal Trainer
  • Holistic Physician
  • Medical Physician



How would you like to perform at 100 % for 100 years? How you perform as you age will depend on how you take care of your body every day along the way.

If you wait for a crisis or an injury to make your health a priority, then you have waited too long and will most likely suffer the consequences. Listen to our 100YL Podcast Episode 14- Human Potential Geek Dr. Josh Handt Trains For 100 Mile Run Challenge. In this episode, Dr. Plasker interviews Dr. Josh Handt as he preps for his 100-mile race, and he is “not a runner”. They discuss human potential, explore possibilities and strategies to be your best you today that is also sustainable over the course of a lifetime!

Coordination, Balance, and Breathing

Proper posture, alignment, and nervous system function are directly related to balance eye movements and control over your breathing. Lifestyle chiropractic care and Pilates enhance the benefits of each. Chiropractic adjustments optimize your neurology and help balance your structure. Regular and consistent lifestyle chiropractic care will accelerate your overall body results from your Pilates routine.

Read more about how with strong and balanced support to your frame, your entire body moves better and maintains alignment longer on our 100YL article, Pilates, Balance, and Chiropractic.

Inflammation, Reduction, and Recovery

Chiropractic adjustments can help reduce harmful inflammation after grueling workouts while simultaneously boosting the immune system to help the body heal quickly.


The Compelling Principle

If you are going to make a change, make it with your long-term vision in mind. The quality of changes that you make today will improve the quality of your life not just today but over the long-haul.

Listen to our 100YL Podcast’s very first episode- Your 100 is Coming, You Make the Call. Dr. Eric Plasker talks about embracing the reality of your potential life expectancy and how to develop an exciting vision for your extended life!


Get your FREE 100 Healthy Days™ eBook & The 100 Year Lifestyle 2nd Edition PDF!

Click the link and follow the directions to receive your free eBook & PDF.

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